Tuesday, November 12, 2019

40 Day Sugar Fast

Last January, I participated in Wendy Speake's 40 day sugar fast. It was life changing!

Because of that I want to share a few thoughts as well as Wendy's new book.

There are a lot of things that I am willing to give up for a short period of time, but sugar is a tough one for me. Doing so made me very aware of some bad habits I was in. Turning to chocolate when I was tired, lonely, bored, or just craving. But that never made me feel better for long. Often I just had to have more. Sometimes I regretted it quickly because I knew better. During this fast, I came to realize it had become a false god for me. 

What I really wanted was to be filled with Jesus, the love of my Heavenly Father, and the power of the Holy Ghost. 

I learned how weak I am, and ultimately how strong He is. And also how faithful He is. He did not leave me in something as seemingly simple or unimportant as a sugar fast. 

I went through the pride cycle. I was not happy at the beginning. Then I tried to replace sugar with other things (in marched chips and salsa). Then I got past the cravings and got a little prideful that I was doing just fine. Then I was humbled to realize that it was only because I had Heavenly help. 

Wanting to get closer to Him cleaned up my habits, my thinking, my desires. 

If you are wanting to experience some interesting transformation both physically and spiritually, I highly recommend doing the 40 day sugar fast!
#WendySpeake #40daysugarfast #Spiritualtransformation #Lifechanging

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